Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eldar Progress Guardians Heavy Weapons

Guardian Heavy Weapons
OK sorry for the poor pic.  My SD card for my DSLR is not reading in my computer I have ordered a replacement well a couple for/when this happens again I will have a back up.

Anyways I finished these yesterday and wanted to put up some pics of them.  I am currently working on the Guardians somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 of them to finish up I only have a few more steps left to go I hope to have them done on Saturday so I can pick up the next batch from my friend.

I thought doing the gems would drive me nuts but their is a rhythm to it that works out OK.  Mostly its having the right brush for the color that your putting down.  Some are better than others these look pretty good IMO for a table top quality.  Yellow is a pain in the ass to work with I had to put down multiple coats to get coverage and now it is looking a little thick. 

In future updates I plan to switch to putting down Iyandan yellow or another high density color before going to yellow I hope that will help it look nicer.

More pics to follow in the next couple of days.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Imperial Guard Missile Launchers and Heavy Bolters Completed

9 Missile Launcher Teams

9 Heavy Bolter Teams
WOW! this is awesome I have completed my latest painting goal it was rough towards the end I'm tierd of painting these guys but I managed to paint all 60 heave weapon teams in the last week.  I am pretty proude of the progress I made as this army has been sitting on shelves for well over a year thant I put it away to drag my Space Marine army out so I could paint that I got as far as my Assault Marines being painted and a few others but they are now collecting dust and not being painted.

So counting these guys as 3 models per base as 2 guys and 1 gun that brings the tally up to about 435 models in about a Month.  I probably have annother hundred or so various infantry like Karskin, Battle Psykers, misc command elements.  Than I have the vehicles...  But before I do that I have my friends Eldar army to paint I will start with his Guardians he was happy with the test batch so will be moving on to the rest of them.

Until the next update which will be showing even more guardains that get painted up.  I might do a few pics of all the IG infantry first though *shrug* who knows.  I might even do a video of it.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Imperial Guard Mortar Teams Metal Cadians

10 Mortar Teams
Very surprisingly I was able to get these all painted up yesterday stained and based even.  I was expecting this to take at least 2 days to get done but I am pretty happy that only leaves the Missile Launcher teams and the Heavy Bolters teams to finish up and my Heavy Weapons teams will be done.  I'm going to try and finish those up by end of day tomorrow so we shall see.

I did get a cheap notebook from best buy going to go bick it in about half an hour so looking forward to that.  I will beable to have my Cannon Camera mobile if everything works out as planned.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Imperial Guard Auto Cannon Teams (Painted)

Imperial Guard 16 Auto Cannon Teams

Well earlier this week I had a slow start but still managed to get these guys done I hope to start on my Mortar Teams tonight.  I only have 10 of them which is still 30 models.  So just past the half way point on the heavy weapons teams 32 of 60 painted. 

Once I am done with my heavy weapon teams I will either start painting on my friends Eldar army or start working on the tanks I have.  Before I do that though I might paint up my Commissar's I plan to use them to push my painting up a notch and do some black lining on them.  We will see.
Until later in the week when I have the Mortar teams done.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A Slow Couple of Days


So I have had a slow couple of days I did get started on the Auto Cannon teams and for see finishing them tomorrow.  I've had some trouble sleeping the last couple of days so haven't been painting before work I hope to get back into the swing of things tomorrow as I will be going to bed soon. 
I think all I have left to do on the Auto-Cannon teams is to paint the black, touch up the green, paint the helmets, apply wash and base.  

Oh the above pic is something my friend was showing me in photoshop and illustrator what he showed me so far has helped me a lot on the quality of my picture taking.  I plan on doing a video of my IG soon but I think I will hold off until I get the HWT's finished so might be a week or two.  Also I need to put my DVD player back in my computer so I can have a CD player to install the video editing software.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The first 10 of 95 Guardians

The test models.
Here are the first 10 guardians.  I started painting sometime after 11am today and its now 5:30pm so I figure I probably spent 3 and half hours to 4 hours on them.

Step 1: paint the weapons and face mask Ivory

Step 2: pain the helmets ivory/yellow 50/50

Step 3: paint all the gems black

Step 4: was the mini in a strong shade

Step 5: paint the red for the gems and eyes

Step 6: paint the tops of the gems ivory (could of used white but didn't blend as well and another color to have out)

Step 7: paint the bases a slate grey

Step 8: paint the ring of the base black

Step 9: base the minis in a snow mixture of glue and snow top off with some dry snow to give that fresh snow feeling.

only 85 guardians (including guns to go). 

I'm done with this project for the rest of the week unless my friend comes over and lets me know to proceed or not.  I will continue on the Heavy Weapon teams tomorrow.

Las Cannon Teams & Eldar Commission

16 Metal Cadian Las Cannon Teams

So the first of my Heavy Weapon teams are now done.  These are 16 Las Cannon Teams If you look on the left side of the pic you will see that thier are 4 guys just standing thier unfourtuantly these are stand in (no pun intended) for when I can get some more of the approprate guys for this army.  I will start working on the auto cannon teams next however I did start a commision project of panting my friends eldar army for him to a table top quality. 
10 Eldar Guardains as recieved.

Here is a copy of the list of models that I will be painting with a few notes on them.
2 Falcons, off bases, primed and base coated blue
1 Wave Serpent, primed and base coated blue
3 Wave Serpents, painted a red scheme in need of repainting to Iyanden
3 Vipers - primed, in need of some assembly
2 War walkers base coated blue
4 War Walkers, 3 painted in wrong scheme, one primed, all in need of some assembly
4 Wraith Lords, 2 Primed, 2 painted wrong scheme
2 fire prism kits, unbuilt on sprue
6 Artillery platforms , 3 Dcannon, 3 Nightspinner
Jet bike seer council of 7, needs considerable cleanup by me
7 jet bikes primed
6 jet bikes base coated blue and some paint in scheme
5 bright lances, primed, in need of some assebly (bases are done)
20 Harliqin, including various characters (new sculpts)
All of the various aspect Princes primed save Mugen Ra who is painted
Avatar , primed
Autarch w/power weapon and wings, primed in need of some assembly
Eldrad, primed
Prince Yriel, primed
12 primed swooping hawks, including exarchs
5 bare metal swooping hawks
50 Guardians primed blue
29 guardians primed either black or painted the wrong colors and needing to be redone
20 Dire Avengers, stripped, not primed, needing some assembly
2 Dire Avenger exarchs
26 Howling Banshee's including exarchs, primed, in need of some assembly
15 Reapers w/exarchs, primed
12 Warlocks/Farseers - 6 primed, 6 bare metal, some assembly needed
6 Warp Spyders (2 are exarchs), stripped
8 Guardian platforms, primed

Already Painted Models

Mugen Ra
11 Guardians
17 Striking Scorpions (3 are exarchs)
7 Dire Avengers (2 are exarchs)
12 Warp Spyders (2 are exarchs)
5 Pathfinders
12 Fire Dragons (2 are exarchs)
So as you can see from the list it is extensive I will do the guardians first including the weapon platforms so on the initial check I have about 95 of them.  I am hopeing to get these done fairly quickly I think the next thing should be the jet bikes.  Or we will see what happens. 

I will do up 10 as a test to see how they look.  If that doesnt take too long today I think I will start on the Auto-Cannon teams.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Quick Update Metal Cadians

Group Hug
Ok so I took this picture while trying to figure out how to use my camera better its a Rebel xsi I just got a wide angel macro lens which attaches to the end of my other lens.   So figuring out how to set all the setting is working out pretty well.  I learned all this stuff before but my camera has been sitting in the bag for awhile.  Sometimes I miss the ease of a simple point and shoot.  I did miss my Sony bloggie coming in the mail I hope the office is open today so it can be delivered. 
A quick painting update I did get started on the heavy weapon teams and I have a count on them at 60 teams.  16 Las cannon, 16 Auto Cannon, 10 Mortar, 9 Heavy Bolters, and 9 Missile launchers.  I might have 3 more Heavy Bolter and Missile Launcher teams but I don't have the bases for them I need to get some more resin to cast the sand bag bases.  Honestly though I don't see using that many HB or ML's *shrug*
Last night I was able to get the new acquisitions caught up with the rest of the teams so I should start knocking those out today.  I'm really looking forward to this 4 day weekend I hope to get a lot of painting done. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

4th Platoon Finished of my Metal Cadians

4th Platoon 1st Squad Metal Cadians
Well a project that started back in May of 2011 is just now only about half complete lol.  Back in May of 2011 I started these guys I got as far as primer, green base coat, brown on the guns and some of the straps, the metal for the guns, and black boots.  In order to finish these models I had to do a lot of touch up since the first time through I just wanted to get them painted enough to play them.  Even if they where half way painted I still feel pretty good about about painting 224 models in just over two weeks. 
Today I will begin working on the heavy weapon teams.  I have between 60-70 of them cant recall off the top of my head as some of them I only have 9 of while others more.  Mostly I wanted enought to field a solid heavy weapon team army.  I have played it a few times the worst part about this army is simply how long it takes to set up.  It is a blast to play and is what I plan to focus on in 6th edition.  Well atleast until I get my tanks painted.
So I have a friend that is in the video recording/production world and am getting advice from him on how to use my camera better so I can improve my picture taking abilities.  I'm looking forward to higher quality pictures.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Second Platoon

Second Platoon aka Brown Platoon

Ok so here are a couple of shots of the Second Platoon aka Brown Platoon.  For this platoon I have 3 melta's and 3 Plasmas so they can be run as Vets with either it wasn't until I finished them that it occured to me that it would be better to only have 1 of the meltas and 3 plasmas but thats ok with these guys and 3rd and 4th Platoons I can have up to 6 Squads of Vets with either Melta or Plasma.  I also did some Vox casters for these guys as well.
A close up of one of the Melta Gunners
Well for my daily update on this project I did finish the 3rd platoon and got several stepts of the 4th Platoon done.  It looks like it will take ma another day or two before I'm done with the 4th Platoon. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Infantry Platoon

First Platoon First, Second, & Third Squad's

Here is the first Infantry Platoon I will have 4 in all.  The plan is to have them double as Vet Squads so I had to paint up extra special weapons for each squad.  As you can see from the picture or not as only the first rank or two are in focus but I have 3 flamers and a heavy flamer for each of these 3 squads.  I also painted up a Vox-Caster for each squad.

First Platoon First Squad
So Green Platoon as I am calling them has 3 infantry squads that can double as 3 vet squads with flamers or even go with 2 flamers and a heavy flamer.  The heavy flamer is a metal catachan model. 
I'm a little disappointed about the quality of the pics I think I will have to take some new ones and a lot more of individual models.  This will probably wait until I finish off the bases. 
As for my Daily Progress report I have been working on the 3rd Platoon I think I will make them the blue platoon which will leave fourth platoon being grey.  I could probably finish them up tonight and start working on grey platoon tomorrow.  That will make having finished up 93 models this week not bad if I say so myself.  Raising the total of painted models to 182 for just over 2 weeks keep in mind that these all had a base coat and some of the bits already painted but still I'm pretty proud of myself... Now I just have to finish the rest of the basic infantry models including my heavy weapon teams which is probably another 200 models counting each team as 3 models.

Platoon Command Squads

Here we have all 4 PCS & in the back the 2 CCS and way in the back is Marbo.
 1 Heavy Flamer, 3 Flamers

Unforutnatuly not all my models are the Old metal cadains so had to make do with some of the newer metal ones.

 These guys fit right in with the old metal cadains.  The problem with the newer style is that they just dont paint up the same for this color scheme.  They dont have the straps and belts so they look a little more bland to me.

Here is a closer look at some of the basic guys so I can field a cheap PCS if need be I might even paint up a few couple of more and add a sergeant so I can run them as Vets if need be have to see how many extra models I still have.  I would also like to make convert some of my extras in to snipers and grenade launcher guys.  I also need 4 more Vox-Casters.

As for yesterdays painting I gout about 3 hours in give or take.  Painted the brown, silver, and about half of the black steps on the 3rd platoon I am going to try and finish them up today.  If I bust ass this weekend I might be able to finish up the 4th platoon as well.  That would mean I could start work on the Heavy Weapon Teams early next week.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Company Command Squad's

2 Company Commanders
So this first pic is two of the Company Commanders each of these will accompnay 4 plasmagunners I will eventually add in some other options that will need to be painted up.  I have a couple of Vox-Casters, Advisors, and Medics that I plan to paint up for these squads.  I would also like to get 2 more of these guys and some more plasmagunners for that 2nd FOC. 
I have 8 of these guys the all look pretty much the same so don't want to bore you with a ton of pics of models that all look the same... oh wait...

Other thoughts and short updates:

Well I did make some progress I put the stain on the Brown Platoon, and started on the Grey Platoon today I got 5 steps of the process done on 42 models.  That was about 4 hours of painting done today.  With any luck (or some hard work and not social life) I might be able to finish these up by Monday.  I'm afraid to let myself take too much of a break because historicly when I do that break turns into several days than weeks and eventually months and in some cases years... poor neglectid Nids.
On another note I ordered a Sony Bloggie so I will hopefully be putting up videos soon.  My plans are to do some video blogging, battle reports and maybe some product reviews. 
Tomorrow I will be posting the Platoon Command Squads pics and the break down of those.  I will probably post them at group at a time so I can spread out my posts... incase anyone reads this LOL. GO Diary speacking of which check this out...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Retro Caidans

When I first started collecting my IG army started with some of the plastic guys and after building them and giving them thier base coat I got a great deal on some metal cadians.  Well I liked these guys a lot so I decided to sale off my plastics and get a whole army worth of the little metal guys.

After a bunch of ebaying and tradeing locally I ended up with several hundred of the little guys.  Well it quickly became apparent to me that I had to figure out a way to seperate these guys in to platoons/squads.  My first idea was to simply have a seperate group for each squad but that got out of hand quickly.
So about a month a go I had the idea of just breaking them down into 4 platoons which would take care of 2 troop choices for 2 FOC's than I had to decide on how many Infantry Squads I needed.  Than it occured to me that I needed to account for if I didnt want to run platoons and wanted to run.

So after much reflection here is the scheme I came up with.

Basicly I came up with the following

Company Command Squads (Gold Shoulder Pads & Top of Helmets) 10 models painted
     Company Commander
     4 vets with Plasmaguns
  Eventually I plan to paint up some standard bears, advisors, vox-casters, medics and the like.

4 Platoon Command Squads (Silver Shoulder Pads & Top of Helmets) 36 models painted
     Platoon Commander
     4 Basic Infantry Men
as an alternative choice I have
     3 Flamers & 1 Heavy Flamer painted up for 2 sqauds
     4 Melta Guns painted up for the other 2 sqauds
   Eventually I plan to paint up some snipers and maybe a vox-caster, maybe some other options but not sure yet.

For the Platoons I decided to go with 3 infantry Squads for each.  I also decided that these squads will also double for Vet Squads.  This meant that I need to make a bunch of extra special weapon guys for them.  I will have 4 color schemes and for each I will use a light, mid range and a dark tone for the colors.

First Platoon (Green Shoulder Pads & Top of Helmets) 45 models painted
  Each squad consits of the following:
     1 Seargent
     8 Basic Infantry Men
     1 Special Weapon either a flamer or a melta gun.
I also included a Vox-Caster for each squad. To use them as vets I also painted up extra flamers including a catachan heavy flamer.  Some day I hope to get some snipers or grenade launcher guys to use as alternatives.
Second Platoon (Brown Shoulder Pads & Top of Helmets)  51 models painted
   Each squad consits of the following:
      1 Seargent
      8 Basic Infantry Men
      1 Special Weapon either a plasma gun or a melta gun.
  I also included a Vox-Caster for each squad.  To use them as vets I also painted up extra plasma and melta guns.

Third Platoon (Blue Shoulder Pads & Top of Helmets)  42 models
    Each squad consits of the following:
      1 Seargent
      8 Basic Infantry Men
      1 Special Weapon either a plasma gun or a melta gun.
   I also included a Vox-Caster for each squad. To use them as vets I also painted up extra plasma guns I started to run out of models at this point also didnt thing I would need more than this.

Fourth Platoon (White/Grey/Black Shoulder Pads & Top of Helmets) 42 models
    Each squad consits of the following:
      1 Seargent
      8 Basic Infantry Men
      1 Special Weapon either a plasma gun or a melta gun.
I also included a Vox-Caster for each squad. To use them as vets I also painted up extra melta guns I started to run out of models at this point also didnt thing I would need more than this.

I also have a painted up Marbo. 

To finish off the infantry portion of this army I also have 60-70 Heavy Weapon teams which I still need to color cordinate with these 4 platoons so I can mix them in if I watned to.

I haven't even reached my tanks.  Frist goal is to paint up the infatry guys than tanks than specil squads like storm troopers, psyckesand the like.

Pictures will follow.  Each command squad, platoon and any special characters will get thier own posting with pics.   This is just a general break down.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

An Introduction to my Imperial Guard Army
A snap shot of my SM army on a 4'x6' table.

Ok so I figured today I would talk more about my Guard Army I up until 6th edition I have mostly been a marine player sure I had other armies but I always returned to my SM armies mostly vanilla and later blood angels even though I started with Dark Angels.  Enough about my Marine days this is about my Guard future.

As I said yesterday I started painting this army back in May of 2011 at what that means for someone like me is that I spent about a month or so on it and shelved it.  I made a promise to myself that I wouldnt play it until it was painted.  Well even than I knew it would be months before I played the army as I have some were in the neighbor hood of 400-500 models for this beast of an army.

Well everything was going well until I had to leave town in June/July of 2011 I did manage to get the first few coats of paint on the miniatures.  I got the flesh painted, the boots, guns and some other minor details painted to me at that time this was good enough.  Keep in mind we are talking hundreds of guys. 

Well when I got back in town in August of 2011 I had totally lost interest in this army and the shere size of it was daunting to me I tried to pick up were I had left off but to no avail.  It just sat for months and months while I played my Marines and GK. 

Than something amazing happened 6th edition came out and my my Blood Angels army was no longer a functional army it was all jump pack marines and a ton of fun to play so I shelved them for the time being.  Than thought about what I would play now at first I thought about playing my nids but that quickly passed and than it occured to me that an all infantry IG list would probably do pretty will with an Aegis Defence Line.

In that moment a fire began to burn in my soul for my little green men once again.  So I dusted off my IG army and pulled them out.  I took inventory and started to purchase a few models on ebay to fill a couple of gaps that I really didnt have but I'm OCD that way. 

So to give you an idea where they where at that time I have a couple of shots of the last few games I played before I got serious about painting them up.
This game was against Natfka he wa splaying his DE list it was a good game.

This game was later that same week against another friend of my he was playing GK.

Well I think tomorrow I will talk about my IG army composition and how I eventually decided to orgainze it.  I thought that it would be simple but has proven to be a much larger challenge than I thought it would be.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting Back to Blogging

So been a long long time since I posted last almost 2 years so I thought I should get back to this blog. Since the last time I posted I have done a lot of gaming. I have built up my Blood Angels army to well over 25000 points. I still have my Nids which I haven’t touched in a very long time. I revamped my Grey Knights army with the new models but they too are gathering dust. My focus as of late has been on my metal Cadian army. I started painting this in the summer of last year and got just the base coat on them and was happy enough with that but have recently started to take it up a notch. I will soon be posting pics of them.

Here is a pic of my test model from when I started the project.
This pic was taken back in May of 2011.

I am really looking forward to posting my IG army for me it will be my 6th Ed army.  I will start by taking pictures of it in its entirety and updating it as I complete the paint job on them.