Sunday, November 25, 2012

The first 10 of 95 Guardians

The test models.
Here are the first 10 guardians.  I started painting sometime after 11am today and its now 5:30pm so I figure I probably spent 3 and half hours to 4 hours on them.

Step 1: paint the weapons and face mask Ivory

Step 2: pain the helmets ivory/yellow 50/50

Step 3: paint all the gems black

Step 4: was the mini in a strong shade

Step 5: paint the red for the gems and eyes

Step 6: paint the tops of the gems ivory (could of used white but didn't blend as well and another color to have out)

Step 7: paint the bases a slate grey

Step 8: paint the ring of the base black

Step 9: base the minis in a snow mixture of glue and snow top off with some dry snow to give that fresh snow feeling.

only 85 guardians (including guns to go). 

I'm done with this project for the rest of the week unless my friend comes over and lets me know to proceed or not.  I will continue on the Heavy Weapon teams tomorrow.

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