Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eldar Progress Guardians Heavy Weapons

Guardian Heavy Weapons
OK sorry for the poor pic.  My SD card for my DSLR is not reading in my computer I have ordered a replacement well a couple for/when this happens again I will have a back up.

Anyways I finished these yesterday and wanted to put up some pics of them.  I am currently working on the Guardians somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 of them to finish up I only have a few more steps left to go I hope to have them done on Saturday so I can pick up the next batch from my friend.

I thought doing the gems would drive me nuts but their is a rhythm to it that works out OK.  Mostly its having the right brush for the color that your putting down.  Some are better than others these look pretty good IMO for a table top quality.  Yellow is a pain in the ass to work with I had to put down multiple coats to get coverage and now it is looking a little thick. 

In future updates I plan to switch to putting down Iyandan yellow or another high density color before going to yellow I hope that will help it look nicer.

More pics to follow in the next couple of days.


  1. These are looking good Daniel, keep it up! I've been painting too recently. I'm working on my Cryx and my Cygnar armies together. Bridgetown is running a Journeyman League on Fridays at 6 starting on the 15th. I realize you work, which is too bad as a Journeyman league would be an excellent way for you to get back into the game using Legion.

  2. Looking good man. The quality is solid.
