Sunday, October 10, 2010

I have too many Armies

Well I have decided to sell a few of my 40k Armies.

Currently I am selling my Necrons and Chaos Daemons on ebay. Check my listings here:

I'm starting the selling price at 50% off of retail. I will also be selling my Eldar army.

Which will leave me with:
Space Marines
Imperial Guard
Witch Hunters (most of my sisters are being painted by a guy but I haven't heard from him in over a month so I have begun to wonder if I have been screwed on this deal).

I honestly have to say that my space marines is my most fun army to play to date. I have probably 8000-10000 points worth and can field them in just about any configuration I feel like. I am mostly using the "Dark Angels" models as I like them a lot. I sometimes use other space marine codex (Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Templar, but I mostly field them as Vanilla Marines). Pictures will follow of this army. Probably sometime next week.

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