Monday, October 4, 2010

Hive Fleet Locnar

Ok so this is going to be very pic heavy I have just a tad over 8000 points worth of Tyranids. My apple green color scheme made me think of the Locnar so I decided to call them Hive Flree Locnar.


The Swarmlord and 3 Tyrant Guard w/ lash whips.
Hive Tyrant w/ Scything Talons and 3 Tyrant Guard
Winged Hive Tyrant w/ Lash Whip and Bonesword

5 Tervigons
The Red Terror (since It has no stats)
9 Hive Guard These are custum built mostly using the body of warriors and talons from I think hormagaunts and one of the large guns off of the MC sprue.
3 Venomthropes
3 Pyrovores
3 Lictors
150 Termagaunts w/ Fleshborers

75 Hormagaunts
@50 Genestealers w/ 2 built Broodlords (i have 2 more unbuilt).
@47 Termagaunts w/ Devourers
18 Warriors w/ Magnetic Arms (dont know where the arms are at the moment)
Fast Attack:
6 Raveners
20 Gargoyles
3 Biovores w/9 Spore Mines
2 Tyrannafexs (custom built body of a carnifex and the head of the Mawloc some greenstuff work.
3 Trygons (2 Prime 1 not)
3 Carnifexs

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