Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4000 Points of Necrons

So the first thing im going to say about this army is that I havent even started painting it yet thier are several models that dont even have thier arms glued on... So these guys are a long way from being worked on. I did do some conversion work mostly on the Destroyers I gave them the lower half of a skeleton horse.

As for the army itself goes I dont have pictures of my 6 wraiths, 10 bases of scrabs, as they havent been built yet. I also still have a destroyer lord to build as well.

This is acktually my second Necron army that I've owned so I didnt buy the Night Bringer and stuff like that as I didnt enjoy using them when I re-bought this army.

So here is what I have necrons and the current state it is in.

Destroyer Lord with a staff of light (an older model but I really like this one)

Necron Lord (sorry about the picture once it gets painted ill get better pictures of it)


24 Necron Immortals - I love Immortals for me they are the back bone of a necron army far more durable than destroyers but alas they lack the range of a destroyer but I still like them more IMO they are more resliant.


40 Necron Warriors (I was hopeing I had more, but they will do)

Fast Attack:

10 Destroyers


3 Tomb Spyders

3 Heavy Destroyers (I dont even know why I have these guys I never use them they would be my last choice to put in for a heavy choice.) Im very disappointed with them to be honest.

3 Monoliths (need I say more)

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