Monday, October 4, 2010

Descent Board

OK time for an update after a couple of weeks of assembly and painting here is a pic of my latest project. Its the Descent board that I cast out of plaster using the molds from

I didn't have the paints that he used to paint his up so I decided to go with what I had on hand.

The paint scheme was done using the following method.

First I painted the whole thing using black house paint.
2nd I spray painted it a tan/bone color.
3rd I gave it a black wash. (I was hoping that's all it would take)
but I wasn't happy with the results so I)
4th gave it a bone white dry brush
5th than did sort of a wet brush of avocado green
6th did a brown wash
7 followed that up with a black wash
and finally I gave it a bone white dry brush and for the most part I am happy with the way it turned out.

Yesterday I played my first game on it and it was pretty fun, as I am no expert at Descent my friend who has played a lot more than I do was pretty impressed how much easier it was to set up. The pieces go together pretty easy and don't move around that much if you bump them. The only disadvantage I can see is that the grid is sometimes harder to see/use when trying to determine line of sight.

So if you have any comments/questions/suggestions feel free to leave comments.


  1. It looks like the stone effect was very effective. I'd be interested in trying it out. Are you using the Decent miniatures? Plan to paint them?

  2. Yes I will be using the Descent Mins and I would love to paint them but I think my next project might be to finish painting one of my 40k armies.
